Helping incarcerated addicts recover and re-enter the community.
Knox County Life After Meth at a Glance
Life After Meth was began in 2005, when a group of concerned citizens, including area ministers, social workers, and recovering addicts began meeting at Salem United Church of Christ, in Westphalia (Knox County), Indiana. This meeting was convened to address the growing crisis of methamphetamine use in the community. It was clear to them that a new community of recovering addicts needed to be formed so that those who were serious about recovery could find a community of support.
Life After Meth, Inc. received our 501 (c) (3) status in October of 2005. By the summer of 2007, the Sheriff of Knox County invited the L.A.M. (Life after Meth) organization into the jail. On November 1, 2007, LAM began a Community Model Program for those incarcerated addicts who truly wanted help to change. It quickly became a program that dealt with all drugs, including alcohol. This program is faith-based and peer-facilitated in nature. LAM programming uses all evidence based curriculum, and the Life Recovery Bible, as well as the 12-Steps of NA/AA. Foundational is the 12-steps and the individual's desire to change. To be clear: our programming begins within the walls of the Knox County Indiana Jail.
Community partners in Knox County, Indiana for LAM include the Knox County Sheriff’s Dept., Knox County Council, Knox County Community Foundation, the United Way, Knox County Cares, Good Samaritan Hospital, CFS Corp., Samaritan Center and the Faith Community of our county. If you would like to donate to support our mission click here.
In May of 2013, we opened a recovery house for women, that holds 6 women. In 2018, a small apartment was added that can house one mom and up to two children. In October, 2013, a recovery house for men opened, we did have a location change in 2015/2016, but our men's residence will hold 9 men. l apartment onto the women’s house which will hold one woman and two children. In 2022, BOTH residences were re-certified to NARR Standards, through INARR and a final site visit was conducted by DMHA for final approval.
A LAM support group for those seeking recovery meets on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 at
First Baptist Church in Vincennes, IN.
Our mission statement is: “To help incarcerated addicts recover and re-enter the community.
Ways To Help

“Everything that is done in the world is done by hope”
Martin Luther
Contact Knox County Life After Meth
105 Broadway St, Vincennes, IN 47591, USA
(812) 830-8238