Life After Meth Houses
On May 31, 2013 Life after Meth opened its first Women’s Boarding House for recovery and on October 9, 2013 the program opened another house for men. The purpose of these houses is to help incarcerated men and women transition from the Knox County Jail back into the community.
In 2020, both LAM houses became certified with associate status with the Indiana Affiliation of Recovery Residences--as Level II houses, by their nationally accepted standard of policies and procedures.
Then, again in 2022, LAM recertified our Level II houses to DMHA standards, through INARR. Still offering Level II NARR standards, if you'd like more information about NARR Levels of care (I-IV) click here.
Our recovery residences are peer led, which means that each house has a leader. All residents share in the care and running of each house.
LAM House residents find the houses to be a safe and structured place to live while rebuilding a clean and sober life. We provide participants assistance in finding jobs, recovering identification such as drivers license, ID cards, Social Security Cards etc. We provide help in budgeting and taking care of old debt, opening bank accounts and paying bills.
One of our favorite things is to see a mother or father obtain a full time job and work at that job long enough to save their money, move into their own home and be reunited with their children and families.